
Showing posts from August, 2022

The Seat of Power; A Cameroonian Throne


Madam Sharon Anyi Nkeng Biya

                                             A Better Africa:  Na  Sengui Bobe'        Conjoures! Were the first words from Sharon after an emotional time of the instability of Cameroon had passed a way slowly and she saw a glimpse of Mr. Biya greeting the crowd as she Sharon stood barefoot amongst Cameroonians to greet Mr. Frank Biya.    Sharon thought of the meaning of the future President elect of Cameroon Mr. Frank Biya’s middle name which is Emmanuel; Frank Emmanuel Biya meaning God with us! Yes, Sharon felt God with her as Frank beckoned to greet fellow Cameroonians in a small pavilion. They whispered is it him, and could it be?    And it was! A Cameroonian Sharon had trecked to Ghana in her heart and in her ethnicity earlier that year on her two legs to escape the confusion during the clashing and genocide in Cameroon for she had a trace of Ghanian heritage through marriage and distant relatives who were based in Ghana at the time just keep safe and to keep herself alive.   

Presidential Decorum for President Elect- His Excellency Frank Emmanuel Biya


Aunty Sharon Anyi Nkeng Biya; The Wife of Frank Emmanuel Biya

  Aunty Sharon Anyi Nkeng Biya; The Wife of Frank Emmanuel Biya 

His Excellency Frank Emmanuel Biya & Madam Sharon Anyi Nkeng Alenda Biya

  We have understood that the culture lives in marriages and how mariage controls culture now a days. Africa provides that every woman gets married. The norms of cooking and childrearing are just there to scare women; I say always think and dream of your husband's love. ~ Madam Sharon

Women of Color in The Business & Finance Sector

  With a national address from women; women in the business sector since 2007 has grown immensely. Many women alongside Sharon have learned the ways of finance and open end markets through everyday business. Discovery of   the financial trends of banks like Access Bank Nigeria and UT Bank Limited of the nation of Ghana and even the popular age old ECHO Bank of the nation of Cameroon; has proven that women have come along way in the realm of financial clemency.   We know it is feasible to let education and Christian ethics govern all yet some female business women use more of worldly approach just to make it through to other side financially. Claire deu’ Clairantt formerly known as Savonn deu’ Clairantt is a popular cosmetic line for the hair and skin tone of women that Sharon has put in place which is said to make hundreds of thousands to help women to live their dreams in Cameroon and abroad for Cameroonian women in Europe. This vision came from a sister brand in Africa called Forever

Business Developments For Women of Color

  Our upcoming President Elect His Excellency Frank Biya of Cameroun and his First Lady named Sharon Anyi Nkeng Alenda Biya  and her business structure, Sharon & Co is a brand and clothing line created from indigenous fabrics that are Euro African and Indian inspired that very ethnic and modern which she would like to bring to Europe. Sharon & Co carries women’s wear, men’s wear, shoes, handbags, and later children’s clothing and other fashion accessories. Sharon & Co has just approved to carry children’s clothing as well. Sharon & Co’s owner Sharon gets her inspiration for the initial sewing and designing from various eccentric prints and stencils that reflect everything from the four seasons to the pastel coloring of expensive home decorum. Sharon has been apart of several designing organizational bodies. Sharon & Co is supported by the World Bank and various United Nations and Worldwide trade Initiatives. Sharon & Co supports the professional development of

A Wedding Excerpt

  Our Wife Aunty Sharon A Wedding Excerpt African Proverb & Meaning: Our Wife is a colloquial saying when an African village takes upon themselves a beautiful woman into their   community with whom a man from their tribe, said to be the groom has abandoned her for some time or is yet to marry her as a bride very soon. The villagers then take this bride to be in as their own luggage so that she doesn't cry by claiming her daily and referring to her as our wife . In order for her to cheer up because her husband is no longer around for a short time at least before he the husband returns to his new wife. Meaning she our wife belongs to us all! Our Wife Aunty Sharon;   in a West African Language known as Twi can closely relates itself to   "Enye Eyeh Nyame Akoma Awurade Meda Wase as a Translation to: "Thanks to the Almighty God I have Him in my inner heart". Marriage is a beautiful trust and we honor Sharon in her wedding gown. For the many feats and the challenge

A Presidency: A Beautiful Story

Marriage and Culture. They say actually Marriage is Culture .It is a wonderful tone to start the Biya campaign. The hills and valleys of the genuine victories of Cameroonians unfolded in a minor way, but we will exemplified, as the future Pres Elect of Cameroun Frank Biya takes his presidential chair as the standing and sitting President of Cameroon via 2025. Our future President elect of Cameroun Frank Emmanuel Biya was asked to run in a proper diplomatic way to succeed the former Biya administration, in which the former Biya administration  had years of holding in Africa and in Europe. When we look at the quality of what Frank’s new wife Sharon brings to the table we are yielded to say that many things will be changed for a better Cameroun and for a fruitful nation. Frank softened the reign on Cameroun and Sharon who is Frank’s new wife buttered Frank into a lovely presidential throne in West Africa.   

Upliftment in Our Matrimonial Homes

  Sharon Anyi Nkeng Alenda Biya in photo above                                  His Excellency Frank Emmanuel Biya in photo above.  We as a family are gracious and very fervent to have some introduction of what a marriage can bring between His Excellency Frank Emmanuel Biya and his soon to be wife Madame Sharon Anyi Nkeng Alenda Biya. We have enclosed a keepsake of portraits that will make a matrimonial home for His Excellency Frank and Madam Sharon Anyi Nkeng Alenda Biya. We pin pillows and we pick pink or yellow ribbons for our daughters hair. We as women get so excited. A wife becomes a mother. The husband a father. I find myself gathering baby clothes once I think its around the corner but a season of something else would set in. Children are a gift from the Lord. Blessed is the fruit the womb for all mothers and wives.  We cannot give of ourselves, we must be steadfast. As parents.  Have you ever just gleaned from baby clothes after a wedding. It's to conclude that we need pea

Women’s Health in Ghana & Aide to The Nation of Cameroon

  The dear nation of Cameroon has usually been a peaceful country. Of late there has been some instability in the peace of Cameroon. Knowing that Madam Sharon N. Alenda extended to Ghana through the  audience of Her Excellency Samia Yaba Nkrumah a Women’s Health and Child Care Initiative several months ago, its time for Cameroon to join this partnership and also benefit for Cameroonian women. Sharon was touched at the robust agriculture norms that Cameroon possessed back in 2008 and later saw that by 2015 all its food products were under a scarce quantity with poor preservation. Women First is extending to Cameroon under the selected shareholder Dr. Diana Acha Mofow to bring about a Women First Women’s Health Initiatives for proper healthcare for nursing and pregnant mothers and their children to the poorest of the poor childbearing women in Cameroon. Not with standing Women First would like to initiate an Agri-Care Initiative which will be in conjunction with Agro-Care a governing b

Sharon N. Alenda Biya is Taking Strides in Many Volumes for the Social Empowerment of Women

  Madam Sharon N. Alenda Biya or Anyi Nkeng as a maiden when she was not married and is a beautiful Mediterranean woman who is a non-fiction Christian Author and business woman rightfully so.  Our Cameroonian wife Sharon N. Alenda Biya is a beautiful Mediterranean woman of African descent with deep Cameroonian family roots and little Ghanaian heritage, who is a non-fiction Christian Author and business woman rightfully so. And yet she was recently awarded the role of a female pastor and or Reverend within the Christian body of Women's Ministry Development within the African, Cameroonian & Ghanaian Christian Diaspora Community abroad as well. As an author, most of her books are written to empower the soul, the spirit and the mind of the average African woman. Her latest book was compiled and written to fellow Cameroonian women entitled “Reflections of A Queen” is now sold in select bookstores and also now available on This book was a national archive that a lot o

Up And Coming Euro African Standard Housing Initiavies in Cameroun

  We would like to bring together a United Nations effort about in Limbe, Cameroun and surrounding township areas to implement housing at a grand scale. We plan to build and construct local story buildings and single family homes and hotels that can be constructed and erected with our very own Cameroonian Timber and other foreign building products. We would like to see more houses, townhomes and larger hotels as the years go on in places like Limbe, Buea, Manfe, Yaoundé, and Douala only at this time , throughout the standing term of future Pres. Elect Frank Biya of Cameroon and his First Lady Madame Sharon Anyi Nkeng Alenda Biya as 2025 approaches. With this effort we do hope to ensure our local people to have a system to recycle trash in certain parts of the country to cut down waist and pollution. Housing is essential and is a part of the construction efforts to breed Cameroon into socioeconomic peace.  We need unified international  agencies of construction and landscaping to cooper