A Better Africa:  Na  Sengui Bobe'       

Conjoures! Were the first words from Sharon after an emotional time of the instability of Cameroon had passed a way slowly and she saw a glimpse of Mr. Biya greeting the crowd as she Sharon stood barefoot amongst Cameroonians to greet Mr. Frank Biya.  Sharon thought of the meaning of the future President elect of Cameroon Mr. Frank Biya’s middle name which is Emmanuel; Frank Emmanuel Biya meaning God with us! Yes, Sharon felt God with her as Frank beckoned to greet fellow Cameroonians in a small pavilion. They whispered is it him, and could it be?  And it was! A Cameroonian Sharon had trecked to Ghana in her heart and in her ethnicity earlier that year on her two legs to escape the confusion during the clashing and genocide in Cameroon for she had a trace of Ghanian heritage through marriage and distant relatives who were based in Ghana at the time just keep safe and to keep herself alive.  But the Cameroonian quality in Sharon was still there even after Sharon’s Ghanaian privilege was granted and even after Sharon’s Ghanaian partial heritage was approved.  So in essence Sharon was proud to view the whole political matter in broad day light in Cameroon as she Sharon may take a chair next to Mr. Frank Biya in the Cameroonian presidency as Frank’s new wife should all else fail in Sharon’s former marriage. God’s willing as Mr. Frank Biya takes his chair as the next president of Cameroon beside Sharon his new wife.


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