Women’s Health in Ghana & Aide to The Nation of Cameroon


The dear nation of Cameroon has usually been a peaceful country. Of late there has been some instability in the peace of Cameroon. Knowing that Madam Sharon N. Alenda extended to Ghana through the  audience of Her Excellency Samia Yaba Nkrumah a Women’s Health and Child Care Initiative several months ago, its time for Cameroon to join this partnership and also benefit for Cameroonian women. Sharon was touched at the robust agriculture norms that Cameroon possessed back in 2008 and later saw that by 2015 all its food products were under a scarce quantity with poor preservation. Women First is extending to Cameroon under the selected shareholder Dr. Diana Acha Mofow to bring about a Women First Women’s Health Initiatives for proper healthcare for nursing and pregnant mothers and their children to the poorest of the poor childbearing women in Cameroon. Not with standing Women First would like to initiate an Agri-Care Initiative which will be in conjunction with Agro-Care a governing body which shall be used to produce and grow fresh fruits, vegetables, cure and clean poultry products, provide gas cookers for most standard homes in Cameroun for the preservation of food and nutrition for the growth and development of Cameroun as well in this very same nation Cameroon in and through out the standing term of the soon to be President elect of the nation of Cameroon Mr. Frank Emmanuel Biya to provide fresh food products along with healthcare to Cameroonian women with standard preservation to the poor women, men and children in Cameroon where fresh food products for the middle class are based at reduced prices and free fresh  food products for the poor are given free of charge by donation as the Initiatives are in season to ensure better diet and nutrition throughout the country. We hope Cameroon will come back to a level of peace and tranquility.


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