Women of Color in The Business & Finance Sector


With a national address from women; women in the business sector since 2007 has grown immensely. Many women alongside Sharon have learned the ways of finance and open end markets through everyday business. Discovery of  the financial trends of banks like Access Bank Nigeria and UT Bank Limited of the nation of Ghana and even the popular age old ECHO Bank of the nation of Cameroon; has proven that women have come along way in the realm of financial clemency. We know it is feasible to let education and Christian ethics govern all yet some female business women use more of worldly approach just to make it through to other side financially. Claire deu’ Clairantt formerly known as Savonn deu’ Clairantt is a popular cosmetic line for the hair and skin tone of women that Sharon has put in place which is said to make hundreds of thousands to help women to live their dreams in Cameroon and abroad for Cameroonian women in Europe. This vision came from a sister brand in Africa called Forever Claire Cosmetics sponsored by Sharon’s dear friend and sister Mrs. Grace Amey Obeng. We give our due service when we empower our women of color to do great things in the business and finance sector. With some of the excess proceeds this business structure from Sharon in due season would be given to train deserving African women and women of color in the cosmetic sciences and in the handmaid production of minerals and oils like Aloe and Cassia and Moroccan oils to heal skin and hair ailments in the professional setting. We shall move Sharon & Co a clothing brand from all other ports in Africa back to its rightful place in Cameroon and also have outlets of Sharon & Co in Cameroonian quarters in Europe. We shall immerse ourselves with various heavy ethnic fabrics and fine beading to be put in business structures that will lift up Cameroonian women from poverty. With grace to our President Elect- Our  Excellency Frank Emmaneul Biya via 2025. 


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