A Presidency: A Beautiful Story

Marriage and Culture. They say actually Marriage is Culture .It is a wonderful tone to start the Biya campaign. The hills and valleys of the genuine victories of Cameroonians unfolded in a minor way, but we will exemplified, as the future Pres Elect of Cameroun Frank Biya takes his presidential chair as the standing and sitting President of Cameroon via 2025. Our future President elect of Cameroun Frank Emmanuel Biya was asked to run in a proper diplomatic way to succeed the former Biya administration, in which the former Biya administration  had years of holding in Africa and in Europe. When we look at the quality of what Frank’s new wife Sharon brings to the table we are yielded to say that many things will be changed for a better Cameroun and for a fruitful nation. Frank softened the reign on Cameroun and Sharon who is Frank’s new wife buttered Frank into a lovely presidential throne in West Africa. 



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